Monday, August 26, 2013

1st Day of School

Since I was five years old this day has been my own personal new year's day. The first day of school is always a new beginning. This is when I choose to make my resolutions and my determinations to make this year better than the last.

On that first day of kindergarten many years ago, I was a young girl concerned that my new dress and my new hair cut looked just right for that first impression I would be making on my new teacher and my new friends. My mind was filled with mixed emotions. On the one hand, I was super excited to be beginning the great unknown (to me) journey of being a kindergartner, on the other, there was a part of me that just wanted to stay home, tightly clinging to my mom's skirt!

My wise mom had prepared me for this day during the weeks preceding the first day of school by reading to me a story called, "Peter Goes to School". I still remember the pictures in that little children's book. Peter was so nervous but when he arrived at school the teacher made him feel at ease so he could muster up the courage to hug mom and wave goodbye to her. By lunch time Peter not only got a cool little carton of milk that fit perfectly on his school lunch tray, but he also had friends to sit with in the cafeteria.  Peter loved school and I couldn't wait to experience this great unknown! I knew mine would be just like Peter's experience. And you know what? It was! My teacher made me feel welcome. She complimented me on my cute dress and beautiful hair. I beamed! She showed me to my seat and I waved goodbye to my mom. By lunch I had a little carton of milk that fit perfectly on my school lunch tray and I had new friends to talk with and sit with in the cafeteria. That first day of kindergarten so many years ago began my love affair with school and with learning.

So today, I begin another new year. As an intermediate music and choir teacher at McAnally Intermediate School in Aledo, Texas I was filled with mixed emotions this morning as I left the house! A part of me was excited to begin again, but another part wished I could stay at home, walk my dog and watch The View! But, I knew that what was best was to experience my new beginning, with new faces and new little friends. My new beginning began today.

Now I am the one who must do my best to make each of my students feel at ease. I spend quite a bit of time preparing my lessons so the day will run smoothly. I am concerned about the dress I am wearing and wonder if my hair looks nice enough to make a good first impression. I also worry that it takes me too long to learn the students names. I get a kick out of the fact that the one student whose name I already have learned and etched in my memory is Cooper. Why do I remember Cooper? Cooper was a little toot today in class. After calling him down 3 times he finally decided to stop talking when I was talking. It will be interesting to see how Cooper progresses in my class over the next few weeks.

As I begin this new beginning, in my family there is a sad juxtaposition! Tom's dad, Connie, is in a nursing home in Luverne, Minnesota and he is not expected to live past the week's end. I drove Tom to the airport after school today so that he could make the trip to see his father for one last time.

The juxtaposition of excitement for the new and sadness of saying goodbye to the old seem to be a part of the regular rhythm of life. All of us will lose loved ones one day. I hurt for Tom. He lost his mother in '83 and now his dad is about to pass away. When he says bye to Connie, it will be for the last time. This kind of ending is final.

So it is with a new desire for brighter days and happy moments that I approach this year in school.  The time we have here on the planet goes by so quickly...Connie's inevitable passing this week reminds me of that. So, I am going to BLOG. I'm going to talk about this school year and all the many activities with which I am involved. I'm going to blog about friends I make, friends who have betrayed me, faith lessons that God is teaching me and family stories of music, laughter, good food and the best company possible!

It is going to be a great "new year". Today's lesson learned? Take care to enjoy each moment and to live intentionally because the time we have here on the planet is limited. It passes so quickly. I'm going to love and be loved and teach and be taught, sing and play and walk with God each step of the way.

Here's to a great 2013-2014 school year!

Pam Burchill

1 comment:

  1. I am excited to begin reading your blog. It will be a way for me to get to know you. I already love and admire your Tom for our many years of making music, but I've yet to share that experience with you and hope that someday it might happen. I encourage you to continue each and every day because I know you will be an encouragement to those reading! Bless you! ~Miriam Wallace


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